Coaching class booking

Booking system for coaching classes and training sessions
Some businesses operations need various coaching sessions / classes for their customers. Typical examples are
- Tuition / Training businesses
- Physical Education
- Yoga or Personal Training franchise business
- Sports coaching
The requirements for organizing classes / sessions may be described in few important points.
Schedule: Ability to create timetable easily. For example the schedule / timetable for the coaching session might be
Tennis coaching class 10 sessions Start Date: April 3, 2020 Every Friday at 6pm At Sams Tennis Center, Sydney Max Participants: Maximum 4 people Trainer: Mr Tom Doors
Flexible Pricing: Create pricing easily. For example the pricing may not be fixed and may vary
$15 per session or $120 for the full term
Availability: - Users should be view the availability easily and perhaps the current occupancy in percentage or number. You may decide to display this information in the booking page.
Public Booking Page: Users should be able to view the session details. However they can book the whole term in one click
Session 1: April 3, 2020 - Friday 6pm Session 2: April 10, 2020 - Friday 6pm Session 3: April 17, 2020 - Friday 6pm ...
Self-Service: User can view the booking 24/7 and view payment details Users should be able to view their bookings and payment details via a secure login This will allow users to get details of their current and past transactions making it less tedious for you to operate business.
Attendance: In some situations, you or your participants may need to keep an audit / track the participation. This can be useful for billing / invoicing or it may be just for better customer experience and value.
Access Control: In some cases, you may need to provide access control details. For example a
to enter the court or building. Or allow participants to enter the premises only on a certain period of time -
Notifications and reminders: Various personalized notifications are important. Various types of notifications are often required. This includes notification on booking confirmation, session reminders, payment invoices, missed classes and so forth.
Booking Management Software System is a booking management software solution. Booking management systems such as BookAndPay can be used by small and large businesses to manage bookings associated with one or multiple classes or sessions. The software solution has integrated user management, payments, notifications and scheduling. See full list of features