Equipment and resources booking

Booking system for business equipment and assets
For businesses with equipment or assets which their customers can hire or lease for a particular period of time.
- Heavy machinery rental company
- Tools / Special equipment rental companies
- Home appliance or furniture rental / leasing businesses
- IT equipment rental / leasing businesses
- Specialized transport rental companies such as animal transport
The requirements and features often required for renting or leasing equipment and assets may be described in few important steps.
Search: - Your customers should be able to search the equipment or asset list quickly. BookAndPay provides comprehensive search features.
Availability: Your customers should be able to check the availability quickly.
Schedule: You can set the minimum booking period and conditions. For example the schedule / timetable for certain category of assets might be
Drilling Equipment Heavy Minimum booking period: 1 day Constraints: Not available for pickup on holidays and sundays. Location: Acme rentals, Sydney
Flexible Pricing: Create pricing easily. For example the pricing may not be fixed and may vary
$80 for 1 day. $60 for more than 3 days
Self-Service: User can view the booking 24/7 and view payment details Users should be able to view their bookings and payment details via a secure login This will allow users to get details of their current and past transactions making it less tedious for you to operate business.
Notifications and reminders: Various personalized notifications are important. Various types of notifications are often required. This includes notification on booking confirmation, reminders for returns, payment invoices etc.
Booking Management Software System is a booking management software solution. Booking management systems such as BookAndPay can be used by small and large businesses to manage bookings associated with just one or hundreds of equipment or assets. The software solution has integrated user management, payments, notifications and scheduling. See full list of features