Services and people booking

Electricians, Gardeners, Optometrists, Psychologists… Staff bookings

Services and people booking system

Substantial number of business operate as a service business. Services business needs are different to a certain extend.


  1. Trades franchise such as Electricians or Plumbers.
  2. Home maintenance services franchise such as cleaners or gardeners
  3. Medical services such as Optometrists, Dental or Psychologists.


The common requirements and features required for services business are listed below.

  • One-off booking or recurring booking: - Many service business need one-off bookings as well as recurring booking. For example your customer may book for garden maintenance as a one off booking or it may be every 6 months. Or an optometrist booking may be one off or it can be a recurring one every 2 years.

  • Availability: The availability information of the service should be in real time and not just a calendar. Many booking system takes teh booking and then try to fit in and this may lead to frustration and overhead. BookAndPay booking management system updates the availability in real time. Availability information can be accommodate multiple staff. For example if you have two electricians and if one of them is available, the system will show up as available. Alternatively the you may choose the show the availability of individual staff.

  • Description of service: Information about the service should be available to your customer without software modifications or customizations. With BookAndPay, you can configure the details based on your needs.

  • Schedule: Ability to create timetable easily. For example the schedule / timetable of an Optometry business might be

    Business Location 1:
      Monday - 9AM to 1PM and 3PM to 6PM
      Tuesday - 10AM to 2PM and 4PM to 6PM
      Wed-Fri - 9AM to 4PM
      Sat - 8 AM to 2 PM
      Sun - closed
    Business Location 2: 
      Monday - 9AM to 5PM
      Tuesday - 11AM to 6PM
      Wed - 9AM to 4PM
      Thur - 10 AM to 2PM and 4 PM to 8PM
      Sat - 8 AM to 12PM
      Sun - 10 to 1PM

Duration of booking : 45 Mins with 15 mins interval when booking is not allowed.

  • Payments: If payment is required, there may be some constraints in relation to payments and bookings. For example

    Constraints: 10% payment required for booking confirmation and 90% on completion of work. 
    Cancellations: Full refund if cancelled 24 hours prior to booking date.
  • Flexible Pricing: Create pricing easily. For example the pricing may not be fixed and may vary. For example a service may have variable pricing based on the time of the day and year.

      Jan to April: (winter)
        10 AM to 5PM: $50 / hour
        5PM to 9PM : $80 / hour 
      May to Dec: 
        9 AM to 6PM: $70 / hour
  • Availability: - Users should be view the availability easily and perhaps the current occupancy in percentage or number. You may decide to display this information in the booking page.

  • Self-Service: User can view the booking 24/7 and view payment details Users should be able to view their bookings and payment details via a secure login This will allow users to get details of their current and past transactions making it less tedious for you to operate business.

  • Notifications and reminders: Various personalized notifications are important. Various types of notifications are often required. This includes notification on booking confirmation, session reminders, payment invoices, missed classes and so forth.

Booking Management Software System is a booking management software solution. Booking management systems such as BookAndPay can be used by small and large businesses to manage bookings associated with a service person or business location or several franchisees spread around the country. The software solution has integrated user management, payments, notifications and scheduling. See full list of features