
Customize the booking app or page

Calendar Integration

Calendar Integration allows you to view booking information on your existing calendars such as Google and Microsoft. To illustrate the feature better, take this example

A franchise business have 10 business locations. User can book into any of the locations. The business manager / owner wants to share the booking information to specific employees in each of these locations. With calendar integration (google), the business manager create ten specific calendars under one user account and configure the system accordingly. The booking for business location will appear in calendar1 and bookings for location 2 becomes available in calendar2. The calendars gets shared with employees in the respective business locations.

Some of the benefits are

  • View booking information of one or more bookable assets on your existing calendars.
  • View participant / attendee information
  • View booking information on your mobile without downloading any apps since most iOS and android phones have calendars built in
  • You can share a specific calendar of an asset to one or more people. This will improve user experience, improve security and great convenience.
  • Ability to view the booking without login into the BookAndPay application.